Thursday, October 31, 2013

The River's Song spotlight

The River’s Song 
Rachel Queen

After her parents are killed in a freak car accident, 16 year old orphan Melody Masters is doing her best to care for her younger siblings, Amelia, and Rose, in a strange town on the river side with their aunt that they never met before. Melody is struggling with everything, even getting out of bed has become a chore, she doesn’t feel like she can do this much longer. She feels like she’s slipping from reality, and that her aunt, her sisters, even the town that they live in, is nothing but a nightmare, that she will wake up from any minute. Then she see’s John sitting on the end of the dock behind the willow playing the most beautiful song on his beat up guitar, and as she walks the shores trying to find the peace that has left her broken, and empty, she listens to the Melodies that drift over the water. Meeting John could be the thing to help her retrieve herself from the hole she had fallen down, by sitting in the fading sunlight and listening to the songs that flow from his strings, she might find her soul within the slowly winding beauty of the River’s song. 

Rachel Queen first dabbled in writing when she could hold a pencil and not chew on it, thankfully she never gave herself lead poisoning. Once she reached college, writing had become a passion for her and she constantly debated with her professors over the "rules of writing" and why like any other rule they could be broken. Needless to say, she dropped out of university. Dabbling in journalism to sedate her need to write, and to appease her need to have money, she met her mentor Doctor Hugh. They married and after the birth of their first child, Rose Martha, she grabbed a pen and started the rough draft of her best-seller, The River's Song. Living life on a hobby farm in Sussex, with her family, she is expecting her second child. She is also working on her next novel, a literary fiction work on the wonders of time and space.

 “Okay. Mels we’re heading out, make sure your sisters are in bed before ten” my mom tells me from the doorway. I look up and smile, “course mom, see you when you get back.” I tell her waving over the back of the couch, before looking back down at the book in my lap. Hearing the door close, I smile and close the book, bouncing up, and running to the stairs, standing in the doorway of Amy, and Rose’s room “alright you two, mom and dad left me in charge. Mom says you have to be in bed by ten, but what mom doesn’t know won’t kill her.” the two seven year old's grin, “can we watch scary movies?” asks Amy, bouncing up and down, “and eat Ice cream for dinner?” Rose adds. I smile and ruffle her hai- 

Aha! Found one
“you already ate dinner goofy, but you bet you can have ice cream, and as for the movies…ah what the heck, see you downstairs in ten.” Amy giggles, “you’re the best Mels!” I grin “I know I am.” I say then, I turn and leave them to bounce around like seven year old's do. I told them ten, they would be down before the ice cream softens, 

and right on schedule I hear them hit the ste-
Ah yes this is the blog

-els!” shouts Amy from the bottom of the stairs, I sha-
alright just like so

-wly “in her-
aaaand connect this there

-olding two heaping bowls of ic-

okay do a little tweaking here, and HAHA got it, hello! Doctor here, I hope you don’t mind, I just popped in, and thought hey this looks like a nice blog! 

The perfect blog for me to borrow for next month. It’s my birthday in November, Fifty years! Well…technically, you lot have known me for fifty years, but I’m a lot older, but that’s beside the point.

Oh and don’t worry about your Bookworm I’ve just invited her to do some traveling, it was that or she would’ve mysteriously won the lottery…well anyway, welcome to the Doctor Who invasion, if you come back each day in November you can see reviews on books about me, interviews with admins and creators of fan pages devoted to me, interviews with my TARDIS, and some of my most famous enemies, and me! You’ll also be able to find spotlights on these brilliant things I’ve found on the internet, called Fanfiction!

 It’ll be bundles of fun, and all of it will be held inside of my TARDIS!

 Isn’t that brilliant? Prepare for a month of fun, running, and of course Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff!

Now I’m off, the Bookworm is about to say my favorite part! Allons-y! 

Books. People never really stop loving books. Fifty-first century. By now you've got holovids, direct-to-brain downloads, fiction mist. But you need the smell. The smell of books.Wisdom of the Bookworms, Doctor

 © 2013 Micheyla Bartotto, All Rights Reserved. No part of this article may be used without the express permission of the author. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT -- All books reviewed on this site have been received via purchase, lending, or given to me by an author or publisher. No reviews are purchased.